Jewels of Elul VI - The Art of Beginning...Again

Elul 24
Onward and Upward
Jason Raede

In November, I am getting drafted into the Israel Defense Forces.

By then I will be 22 years old, with a degree from a prestigious university. But, I’m putting all of this on hold to do what I feel I am obligated to do.

I wasn’t born in Israel; my parents aren’t Israeli; I didn’t even visit Israel until I was 16 years old. But during my time in Israel, including living and studying in Jerusalem for my third year of university, I realized why Israel allows all Jews to become citizens under the right of return. Israel truly is the Jewish state, just as Italy is the Italian state and Japan is the Japanese state. And being a Jew, ethnically, religiously, culturally, or otherwise, means that Israel is my homeland.

An ex-special forces officer told me that in order to get through my service, I have to believe in something greater than myself. And I am proud to say that I firmly believe in the State of Israel. Regardless of the freedoms we experience in America, the only place where I can say without a doubt that Jews will never be persecuted is Israel.

This is why I am making Aliyah and leaving everything I have in California to volunteer for the IDF. I am going in order to protect that certainty – that no matter what happens elsewhere, my family and I can always go to Israel and be welcomed. My parents and younger brother, as worried as they are, understand this, and have been behind me every step of the way.

Of course I love Israeli culture, and Israeli food, and all the friends that I have there. But without security, none of those things would exist. I’m willing to do my part, however small it may end up being.

Jason Raede is a professional web developer and musician.

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Today's Jewels of Elul Blogger is Lisa Colton.. Click here to read her thoughts on The Art of Beginning Again.

If you had to name a time when you stepped way out on a limb, when was it? What happened?
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