Jewels of Elul VI - The Art of Beginning...Again

Elul 14
Seven Years In A Moment
Rabbi Alysa Stanton

A rendition of Psalms 150 “Halleluyah” graced the eardrums of the seats filled with smiling faces and victors. I faintly smiled and was whisked away by nostalgia, as the lull of the soft melody danced within my being. The moment had come where the splendor of this melody’s tune met the triumph and completion of a seven-year journey. As the song played on, I was reminded of its meaning to me. It had taught me that praise and thanksgiving outweighs defeat and despair. Darkness cannot help but yield to light when the choice is made to live in an atmosphere of praise and gratitude.

I was jolted out of my trance when I heard my cue, “Eliana Alyzah Bat Avraham.” It was at this moment I felt the pain, struggles, and obstacles overtaken by the vast power of victory and joy.

Through tear-filled eyes of gratitude, I looked up at the Ner Tamid and quietly said, “Thank you G-d…Thank you.” I ascended the stairs of the bimah. The chains and locks of defeat that bound me over the years dissipated into the light of triumph.

In awe, I felt the cloak of G-d’s sovereignty, love, and anointing envelope my being. Hands were placed upon my shoulders as the Priestly Benediction was recited. I then heard “I am honored to call you Rabbi.” Those powerful words closed one long chapter of my life and opened another. With my new cloak snuggly wrapped around me, I stepped down those stairs and onto the path that was divinely laid before me. The journey of hope, faith, and obedience to the One.

Rabbi Alysa Stanton is the first African-American female rabbi.

Today's Jewels of Elul Bloggers are Kate and Tamar Fox. Click here and here to read their thoughts on The Art of Beginning Again.

If you had to name a “haleluyah” moment in your life, when was it? What did you accomplish?
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